See! Adorable!

An Introduction (also known as “Hello, World!”)

Hello, Salut, Dia dhuit, Hallo, Ciao!

Before I start to introduce the purpose of this blog, I feel I must introduce myself. My name is Amy. I hail from Belfast, Northern Ireland but currently reside in Boston, Massachusetts with my gorgeous husband, Alex, and adorable cat, Gillian Anderson.

See! Adorable!

Note to any potential pet owners – naming your pet after a celebrity is probably not as adorable as you think it will be. At this point we’re in too deep though. She’s somewhat of a celebrity at the vet; the receptionist squees every time I tell her we are coming in. At home, she just  goes by plain ol’ “Puss” these days. Anyway…I digress.

I enjoy tea, traveling, breakfast, Formula 1, and Dr Who. I’m still trying to find my creative flow and attempting to get crafty. I am fortunate enough to work for a great company where every day varies: I write documentation; I write code; I test our products; I immerse myself in technologies and APIs, learning about them in such a way that I can explain them simply to someone else. I am a firm believer in learning something new every day.

I want to use this blog to share my thoughts and experiences on life, programming, Apple’s new and shiny gadget, awesome breakfast recipes, and everything in between! I hope that – on some level – I can use it to help you, the reader, to learn something new every day.

3 thoughts on “An Introduction (also known as “Hello, World!”)

  1. Excellent blog and you leave the reader, just like every great performer, wanting more. Can’t wait till your next update. Outstanding!!


  2. I look forward to your nuggets of wisdom. Good Luck!

    I have a friend with the same name as a celebrity. At least nobody will ask your cat if she’s related to Gillian Anderson.


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